Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trying to get NTLM Authentication down

It's been quite a ride to try and get NTLM (Windows and Basic) Authentication working on my iPhone application (iGone Out of Office). I've been working for months to allow those users that login through a prompt and not a login page to use my application. I've worked with a guy from Canada that has had similar aspirations, but we've both struggled to find an answer. Not to mention, with a six-month old son, I've struggled to find the time for this big of a code modification.

I've had quite a few updates to my application to fix tiny little bugs or add small features to it, so hopefully people see how dedicated I am to making my application the best it can be. I just recently updated my support page to make it easier for the iPhone users to get answers on how to setup the application when they encounter issues.

I worked a lot the past 48 hours on trying to get iGone to allow credentials to be passed through a prompt and I am pleased to say we are inching closer to the finish line, albeit slowly. I found a wrapper that allows me to and through a great Google Group, I've been getting help along the way for the correct setup. I'll report back with more progress, but hopefully it means we're nearing completion.

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